CENTER VALLEY, Pa. 安德里亚·“德雷”·沃特金斯是中国博彩平台历史上第一位进入美国大学体育协会(USCAA)名人堂的女子篮球运动员. 颁奖仪式于6月2日在匹兹堡举行的USCAA年会上举行.
沃特金斯的大学生涯包括无数的亮点和荣誉. 她在利哈伊谷的四年时间里都是一名初中国博彩平台. 她的职业生涯非常出色,在89场比赛中首发出场85场,场均18分. In her first season, 2014-15, 她被评为中国博彩平台体育大会(PSUAC)年度最佳新人, PSUAC 1st Team All-Conference, USCAA 2nd Team All-American and was PSUAC Leading Scorer (19.在那里,球队进入了USCAA四强,并被提名为USCAA全冠军赛球队. In addition, named PSUAC All-Academic.
In her second season, 2015-16, she was named PSUAC Co-Player of the Year, PSUAC 1st Team All-Conference & USCAA 1st Team All-American.
Going into her 2016-17 season, 她帮助球队创造了21胜4负的纪录, 14胜0负的完美战绩和美国大学生体育协会全国亚军. Her individual awards were USCAA Div. 2 National Player of the Year, a first in PSUAC history and Lehigh Valley history to be named National Player of the Year; USCAA 1st Team All-American; PSUAC Player of the Year; PSUAC 1st Team All-Conference; and the second player in Lehigh Vally history to score 1,000 career points.
In her final season, 2017-18, she helped the team advance to the PSUAC Championship, where they were runners up. 她获得了USCAA全美第二队,PSUAC第二队和PSUAC全学术奖.
沃特金斯在她的四年中每年都带领她的球队进入季后赛, 包括参加PSUAC锦标赛和USCAA全国锦标赛. She had a win-loss record as player of 70-25. 她是利哈伊山谷的历史得分王,总共得到1580分.
Lorie Khalil, 利哈伊谷女子篮球总教练和运动项目协调员, 沃特金斯非常有资格进入USCAA名人堂.
“This is an incredible honor, 不仅对她,而且对[中国博彩平台]的田径和女子篮球," Khalil siad. "She left her legacy. She deserves this — she was an incredible person to coach. 她性格很好,态度很好,非常容易接受指导,是一个全面的好人. 她也来自一个伟大的家庭,这不会发生在一个更好的人身上.”
Watkins said she is humbled and grateful for the honor.
“It means a lot, especially coming from a small college. 能得到这样的认可真是太棒了——不仅仅是对我来说, 但是对于所有其他来自小大学的运动员来说, ‘No one saw what I did’,” she said. “That’s why the USCAA is great — it was really humbling, and everyone there really cared that you got in. They made everyone feel special.”
沃特金斯从未打算在大学里打篮球——她说她只是想拿到学位. She loved the game too much to give it up, though. 她回忆起自己在利哈伊谷的美好时光,并高度赞扬了哈利勒.
“She made me into the player I am today," Watkins said. "During my first encounter with her, she said ‘One, you need to be stronger, and two, you’re going to be my point guard.“她总是很坦率和诚实,鼓励我尽我所能做到最好. When I wanted to sit back and relax, she wouldn’t let me. 她是一位伟大的教练,非常关心她的球员——没有她,我不会有今天的成就.”
Watkins didn’t leave the game behind after she graduated. She came back to help Khalil coach summer camps.
“Because it’s a small school, I felt at home," she said. "I felt my teachers really cared about me. 我是一名大学运动员,尽管我住在家里,但我仍然有大学经历. 课程、项目、作业——这都是很棒的经历. 好在不管你去哪所学校,你都能拿到中国博彩平台的学位.”
2018年从利哈伊谷大学毕业,获得康复和人类服务学位, 沃特金斯在德萨莱斯大学获得教育学硕士学位. 她现在在阿伦敦的谢里登小学教三年级.
“I always loved kids — I worked with them at camps, and being around them, 指导他们,看看他们有多关心你是非常有益的," she said. "Basketball influenced my teaching style. 对孩子们要有耐心和诚实——这是我从教练那里学来的. 我对孩子们总是很诚实,我是一个天生有耐心的人.”
“I have to give a special shout out to my parents, Heather and Ronn Watkins, who mean the world to me," she said. “他们去看了我在大学里的每一场比赛,不管什么天气都开车去. 他们是我努力工作得到回报的最大原因——他们从不让我放弃. I am honored to be inducted into the Hall of Fame, and I couldn’t have done it without my teammates, coaches, friends and family being there every step of the way.”